Parę dni temu Vmware wypuściło nową aktualizacje dla vCenter 6.5. A w dzisiejszym wpisie skupię się jak zaktualizować VCSA które mamy uruchomione w natywnym HA. Poniżej 8 kroków które wykonamy podczas aktualizacji naszego vCenter.
Krok 1
Musimy ściągnąć ze strony Vmware plik iso z najnowszymi aktualizacjami
następnie wgrywamy go na datastore z którego będziemy mogli pod montować do naszych serwerów podłączyć
- vCenter,
- vCenter – peer
- vCenter Witnes
Krok 2
Wprowadzamy nasze vCenter w tryb maintenance przechodzimy do vCenter –> Configure –> vCenter HA i klikamy Edit
gdzie wybieramy Maintenance Mode
klikamy ok i przechodzimy do kolejnego kroku.
Krok 3
w tym kroku montujemy ściągnięte ISO z poprawkami do każdego z 3 serwerów
Edytujemy wirtualną maszynę w polu CD/DVD wybieramy Datastore ISO File
wybieramy nasze wgrane ISO, klikamy OK
na koniec klikamy w pole wyboru Connected aby podłączyć CD/DVD do serwera
Krok 4
Logujemy się na adres publiczny naszego vCenter z niego przeskakujemy do vCenter Wintnes
VMware vCenter Server Appliance Type: vCenter Server with an embedded Platform Services Controller Last login: Sat Jun 17 13:12:41 2017 from Connected to service * List APIs: "help api list" * List Plugins: "help pi list" * Launch BASH: "shell" Command> shell Shell access is granted to root root@vcenter01 [ ~ ]# ssh root@ VMware vCenter Server Appliance Type: vCenter Server with an embedded Platform Services Controller root@'s password: Last login: Sat Jun 17 13:13:41 2017 from Error connecting to the server * List APIs: "help api list" * List Plugins: "help pi list" * Launch BASH: "shell" Command>
z tego poziomu wykonujemy komendę “software-packages stage –iso –acceptEulas” która pod montuje cdrom oraz wykona staging naszego vCenter pod względem aktualizacji
Command> software-packages stage --iso --acceptEulas [2017-06-17T13:15:30.168] : ISO mounted successfully [2017-06-17T13:15:31.168] : Staged 32 packages. [2017-06-17T13:15:31.168] : Verifying staging area [2017-06-17T13:15:31.168] : ISO unmounted successfully [2017-06-17T13:15:31.168] : Staging process completed successfully Command>
po zakończeniu wykonujemy komendę “software-packages install –staged –acceptEulas” która spowoduje zainstalowanie aktualizacji
Command> software-packages install --staged --acceptEulas [2017-06-17T13:16:02.168] : Validating software update payload [2017-06-17T13:16:02.168] : Validation successful [2017-06-17 13:16:02,382] : Copying software packages [2017-06-17T13:16:02.168] : ISO mounted successfully 32/32 [2017-06-17T13:16:24.168] : ISO unmounted successfully [2017-06-17 13:16:24,618] : Running test transaction .... [2017-06-17 13:16:39,681] : Running pre-install script..... [2017-06-17T13:17:10.168] : All VMware services are stopped. [2017-06-17 13:17:10,766] : Upgrading software packages .... [2017-06-17 13:20:01,242] : Running post-install script..... [2017-06-17T13:20:05.168] : Packages upgraded successfully, Reboot is required to complete the installation. Command>
po zakończeniu wykonujemy restart oraz wychodzimy z połączenia SSH
Command> shutdown reboot -r "Aktulizacja " Command> Command> exit Connection to closed. root@vcenter01 [ ~ ]#
tym sposobem mamy zaktualizowany nasz serwer Wintnes.
Krok 5
tym kroku będziemy aktualizować serwer który jest pasive mode, logujemy się do niego po ssh
root@vcenter01 [ ~ ]# ssh root@ The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:wL8kYD2K5X74gAeR3czIgMOIB5QDfNbDvYOhpgJDSCg. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts. VMware vCenter Server Appliance Type: vCenter Server with an embedded Platform Services Controller root@'s password: Error connecting to the server * List APIs: "help api list" * List Plugins: "help pi list" * Launch BASH: "shell" Command> software-packages stage --iso --acceptEulas [2017-06-17T13:22:17.168] : ISO mounted successfully [2017-06-17T13:22:18.168] : Staged 32 packages. [2017-06-17T13:22:18.168] : Verifying staging area [2017-06-17T13:22:19.168] : ISO unmounted successfully [2017-06-17T13:22:19.168] : Staging process completed successfully Command> software-packages install --staged --acceptEulas [2017-06-17T13:22:31.168] : Validating software update payload [2017-06-17T13:22:31.168] : Validation successful [2017-06-17 13:22:31,587] : Copying software packages [2017-06-17T13:22:31.168] : ISO mounted successfully 32/32 [2017-06-17T13:23:47.168] : ISO unmounted successfully [2017-06-17 13:23:47,438] : Running test transaction .... [2017-06-17 13:23:48,451] : Running pre-install script..... [2017-06-17T13:23:58.168] : All VMware services are stopped. [2017-06-17 13:23:58,784] : Upgrading software packages .... [2017-06-17 13:27:44,588] : Running post-install script..... [2017-06-17T13:27:46.168] : Packages upgraded successfully, Reboot is required to complete the installation. Command> Command> Command> shutdown reboot -r " Aktulizacja" Command> exit Connection to closed.
Oczekujemy ok 30 min aby wystartowało pasywne vCenter,
Krok 6
Po uruchomieni ostatniego serwera przechodzimy do naszego vCenter przełączamy nody wybierając Initiate Failover
Krok 7
przełączeniu logujemy się po SSH na aktywny vCenter i następnie przeskakujemy na pasywny node vCenter oraz wykonujemy na nim komendy
VMware vCenter Server Appliance Type: vCenter Server with an embedded Platform Services Controller Last login: Sat Jun 17 13:21:59 2017 from Connected to service * List APIs: "help api list" * List Plugins: "help pi list" * Launch BASH: "shell" Command> shell Shell access is granted to root root@vcenter01 [ ~ ]# ssh root@ The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:wL8kYD2K5X74gAeR3czIgMOIB5QDfNbDvYOhpgJDSCg. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts. VMware vCenter Server Appliance Type: vCenter Server with an embedded Platform Services Controller root@'s password: Last login: Sat Jun 17 13:14:31 2017 from Error connecting to the server * List APIs: "help api list" * List Plugins: "help pi list" * Launch BASH: "shell" Command> software-packages stage --iso --acceptEulas [2017-06-17T13:58:34.168] : ISO mounted successfully [2017-06-17T13:58:35.168] : Staged 32 packages. [2017-06-17T13:58:35.168] : Verifying staging area [2017-06-17T13:58:35.168] : ISO unmounted successfully [2017-06-17T13:58:35.168] : Staging process completed successfully Command> software-packages install --staged --acceptEulas [2017-06-17T13:58:52.168] : Validating software update payload [2017-06-17T13:58:52.168] : Validation successful [2017-06-17 13:58:52,300] : Copying software packages [2017-06-17T13:58:52.168] : ISO mounted successfully 32/32 [2017-06-17T13:59:01.168] : ISO unmounted successfully [2017-06-17 13:59:01,612] : Running test transaction .... [2017-06-17 13:59:25,668] : Running pre-install script..... [2017-06-17T13:59:27.168] : All VMware services are stopped. [2017-06-17 13:59:27,460] : Upgrading software packages .... [2017-06-17 14:02:32,842] : Running post-install script..... [2017-06-17T14:02:34.168] : Packages upgraded successfully, Reboot is required to complete the installation. Command> Command> shutdown reboot -r "Aktylizacja" Command> exit Connection to closed. root@vcenter01 [ ~ ]#
Krok 8
Ostatnim krokiem będzie wyjście z Maintenance Mode z poziomu Web Clienta
I tym sposobem mamy zaktualizowane vCenter w HA do najnowszej wersji.