Poniżej opis jak szybko wykonać backup oraz otworzyć pomiędzy switchami konfigurację Zon
Wykonanie backupu:
>configupload Protocol (scp, ftp, sftp, local) [ftp]: //wybieramy sposób wykonania backupu Server Name or IP Address [host]: // IP lub FQDN serwera w mym przypadku serwera FTP User Name [user]: user // login do serwera FTP Path/Filename [<home dir>/config.txt]: //lokalizacja zapisu pliku z konfiguracją Section (all|chassis|FID# [all]): //co chcemy aby zawierał backup Password: //hasło do serwera FTP configUpload complete: All selected config parameters are uploaded //Potwierdzenie wykonania backupu
Odtworzenie konfiguracji:
> switchdisable // wyłączamy funkcjonalność switcha > configdownload Protocol (scp, ftp, sftp, local) [ftp]: // wybieramy w jaki sposób pobieramy plik z konfiguracją Server Name or IP Address [host]: // Ip lub FQDN serwera User Name [user]: user // user do serwera FTP Path/Filename [<home dir>/config.txt]: //Lokalizacja pliku z konfiguracją Section (all|chassis|FID# [all]): all // jakie elementy chcem *** CAUTION *** This command is used to download a backed-up configuration for a specific switch. If using a file from a different switch, this file's configuration settings will override any current switch settings. Downloading a configuration file, which was uploaded from a different type of switch, may cause this switch to fail. A switch reboot is required for the changes to take effect. Please make sure all the switches are disabled by using "chassisdisable" command. Downloading configuration to an online switch may result in some configuration not being downloaded to that switch. configDownload operation may take several minutes to complete for large files. Do you want to continue [y/n]: y Password: 2015/06/10-10:32:05, [FCR-1068], 30, FID 128, INFO, Brocade_650, The FC Routing service is disabled. Doing configDownload on switch 128... Activating configDownload: Switch is disabled 2015/06/10-10:32:13, [MS-1027], 31, FID 128, INFO, Brocade_650, Fabric Name - Test_Fab_A configured. sw0 Updating flash ... 2015/06/10-10:32:16, [ZONE-1022], 32, FID 128, INFO, Brocade_650, The effective configuration has changed to Test_Fab_A. . configDownload complete: All selected config parameters are downloaded 2015/06/10-10:32:17, [CONF-1000], 33, FID 128, INFO, Brocade_650, configDownload completed successfully for all.